Quantum spacetime, the view from
below Potsdam, Waterloo, SiGrav Alessandria,
Action, a status report Problemi Attuali di Fisica Teorica
Vietri 2013
The Grand Symmetry, Spectral
Action and the Higgs Mass, "Noncommutative Geometry and
Particle Physics" Lorentz Center
Leiden 2013
The Hopf way to Planckland, "Planckland"
SISSA, Trieste 2012
Geometry Between Quantum Mechanics, Quantum
Gravity Napoli 2012
Three seminars on Noncommutative
Geometry 1, 2, 3,"Perspectives in Fundamental
Cosmolgy" Nordita, Stockolm 2012
Spectral data, spectral action,
renormalization, the Higgs and the Dilaton, Cortona 2012
action, scale anomaly and the Higgs-Dilaton potential, "Corfu
Summer Institute" , Corfu 2011, "
Non-Commutative Geometry, Strings and Gravity"
, Tours 2011, "INDAM
Meeting: Noncommutative Geometry, Index Theory and
Applications" , Cortona 2012, Universitat de Barcelona , Barcelona 2012, Tohoku
University, Sendai, 2012.
Quantum Field Theory: a spectral point of view, "What is Quantum Field Theory?" Conference in honour of Manuel Asorey 2011
Spectral Action form Anomalies Jagellonian University Krakow 2010, "Corfù Summer Institute" Corfù 2010
*-product in the presence of a Monopole "GAP VIII", Scalea 2010
Noncommutative Geometry & the Standard Model "XIX International Colloquium on Integrable Systems and Quantum Symmetries", Prague 2010
Matrix Models, Emergent Spacetime and the Higgs "XXV Max Born Symposium. The Planck Scale", Wroclaw 2009
Deformation Quantization, Monopoles and Quaternions "Geometry and Physics 7(note, the talk was not delivered because all participants were put in quarantine for swine flu)
Noncommutative Geometry: Review of recent developments for non specialists King's College London London 2009
Ultraviolet/Infrared Mixing and
Translational Invariance "Noncommutativity
physics: Quantum Geometries and Gravity ", Bayrischzell 2009
Noncommutative Geometry: a general (and generic) review Universitat
de Barcelona , Barcelona 2008
Noncommutative Field Theory with the Moyal and Wick-Voros products: Twist and S-Matrix "Quantum Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry, Rome 2008
The Structure of Spacetime and Noncommutative Geometry "Geometry, Topology, QFT and Cosmology, Paris Observatoire 2008
Noncommutative Field Theory with the Moyal and Wick-Voros products: Twist and s-Matrix "Quantum Geometry and Quantum Gravity, Nottingham 2008
Possibly even right: Noncommutative Geometry and the real world "Bayrischzell Workshop 2007", "Field Theory, Noncommutative Geometry and Strings" Zagreb 2007, European Science Foundation Workshop on Noncommutative Quantum Field Theory" Vienna 2007
Twisting all the Way, from Classical Mechanics to Quantum Field Theory "Università del Piemonte Orientale" 2007
Twisted conformal symmetry in Noncommutative Two-Dimensional Quantum Field Theory "Noncommutative Geometry and Quantum Physics", Kolkata 2006
Physical Applications of Noncommutative Geometry "Convegno Informale di Fisica Teorica" Cortona May 2004Matrix
Approximations of Spaces From Noncommutative Geometry
Tenth Network Meeting", Warwick 2005
new Matrix Model For Noncommutative Field Theory Geometry and Physics of
Fields Zaragoza 2004
Matrix Model and Noncommutative
Torus Recent Advances in
Noncommutative Geometry: spheres, instantos, sigma models Firenze 2004
Geometria Noncommutativa a Napoli & Dintorni Convegno Nazionale Prin Sintesi Vietri 2004
new Matrix Model For String Theory
Fields to Strings: Circumnavigating
Oxford 2004
Noncommutative Geometry Conference: "Symmetries Beyond the Standard Model", Portoroz 2003