
Aniello Murano  

Aniello Murano is a Professor in Computer Science at the Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettrica e delle Tecnologie dell'Informazione of the Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II.
His research interests include:
Artificial Intelligence; Formal Aspects for the Strategic Reasoning in Multi-Agent Systems under Perfect and Impferfect Information; Specification, Verification, and Synthesis of Reactive Systems, Model Checking and Module Checking; Formal Languages, Automata Theory, Real-time Systems, Pushdown and Hierarchical Systems; Temporal and Modal Logics, Logics for the Strategic Reasoning in AI; Game Theory, Parity Games, Solution Concepts, Automated Mechanism Design.

Synthesis of Diplomatic Strategies in Multi-Agent Systems. Research project
ECAI 2025 (Program co-chair).
KR 2024 (Area chair).
H2020-MSCA project SEAL (Principal coordinator).
Two papers accepted at KR 2024.
Three papers accepted at AAMAS 2024.
Tutorial accepted @ KR 2024 and @ESSAI 2024
In KR Top 100, best AI-2000 world researchers (see AMiner webpage).
We are hiring: Research, Post-doctoral, and PhD positions in Resilient AI.