Giovanni Covone



Aprile 20, 2022. "Got Metal? Life and Metals, the unexpected connection" >br> SETI Talk together with Donato Giovannelli Link here

October 7, 2020. "I cacciatori di pianeti": Interview on my recent work with Pietro Greco: hunting planets and dark matter in a big big Univers Link here

January 22, 2020. In the news also on Unina News, talking about exoplanets, TESS, interstellar travels and searching new planets in Naples: video here

February 4, 2019. Aperte le iscrizioni ai corsi Fisica delle Galassie e Fondamenti di Fisica e Cosmologia Docenti UniNa

December 24, 2017. "Speculazioni e testabilità in cosmologia": primo articolo in filosofia della scienza, con Luca Lo Sapio. Articolo on-line.

January 24, 2017. Cosmocafè is back.

July 24, 2016. Thesis projects page updated.

July 13, 2016. Talk at the conference "Geometria è Fisica, a Geometrical Vision of Physics" in honour of Beppe Marmo. You can find the slides here .

October 5, 2015. First results on dark matter search from the DarkSide-50 experiment
Submitted paper and plots here.

May 28, 2015. Two conferences at Liceo Torricelli: pendulums, Galilei, Marie Curie and the physics of Wile E. Coyote

January 30, 2015. PhD course Observational Cosmology starts on February 2: meeting in room 2N44, 11am.

December 16, 2014. Elisa Quintana (NASA, SETI) visiting the Physics Department

November 5, 2014. La scienza in diretta! Cluster Cosmology in Madrid

October 9, 2014. They have chosen ignorance. A wake-up call to researchers and citizens to defend the essential role of science in society.

October 5, 2014. Prima lezione del corso di Storia dell'Astronomia: lunedi 6 ottobre, ore 14:00, aula 0M02 (Dipartimento di Fisica).