Giulia Gubitosi
Conferences, Workshops, and Schools Organized
- 01.2024: Astrophysical searches for quantum-gravity-induced time delays
IFPU Trieste, Italy
- 10.2023: Quantum observers, quantum reference frames and quantum communication workshop
Burgos, Spain
- 09.2023: SIGRAV meeting - Convenor of the Theory session
SISSA, Trieste, Italy
- 07.2023: Quantum gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach
Fourth Annual Conference of COST Action CA18108
Rijeka, Croatia
- 02.2023: Winter School of Theoretical Physics "Gravity -- Classical, Quantum and Phenomenology" (COST CA18108 third training school) - Wojanov, Poland
- 09.2022: Training School in Quantum Gravity phenomenology in the multi-messenger approach (COST CA18108 second training
Belgrade, Serbia
- 09.2022: Workshop on theoretical and experimental advances in quantum gravity
Belgrade, Serbia
- 07.2022: Quantum Gravity phenomenology in the
multi-messenger approach (COST CA18108 third annual conference)
Naples, Italy
- 07.2022: Workshop Challenges and opportunities in QGMM
Naples, Italy
- 10.2021: Training School in Quantum Gravity phenomenology in the
multi-messenger approach (COST CA18108 first training school)
Corfu, Greece
- 10.2021: Conference Quantum Gravity phenomenology in the multi-
messenger approach (COST CA18108 second annual conference)
Corfu, Greece
- 2020: DSR20 conference (virtual)
- 2016-17: Theory Group Seminars - Imperial College
- 2014: Conceptual and Technical Challenges in Quantum Gravity conference
Rome, Italy
- 2013-14:: Quantum Gravity weekly seminars
Sapienza University of Rome
- 2013: Dark Energy Phenomenology workshop
Paris, France
- 2013: Planck scale in astrophysics and cosmology
Rome, Italy
- 2012:Tests and theories of Lorentz symmetry violations - Paris, France
- 2012: PCCP fellows monthly meetings
APC/Paris Diderot, France
- 2010: Quantum Gravity workshop
Rome, Italy