Master degree (Laurea Magistrale)
On gravitational wave detection:
- Study and simulation of Adv-Virgo control in the broadband configuration
- Measurement of the drag-free satellite guiding system with torsion pendulum
- Experimental study of a Squeezer for the injection of non classical vacuum in Adv_virgo
On quantum optics
- Study of ponderomotive squeezing of light
On quantum vaccum and gravitation
- Project of an experiment for the detection of the Archimedes force of vacuum
On gravitational wave detection:
- Study and simulation and commissioning of Adv-Virgo for the control in the broadband configuration
- Measurement of the drag-free satellite guiding system with torsion pendulum
- Measurement of the thermal noise parameters and commissioning of the ADV-Virgo suspended payloads
- A Squeezer for the injection of non classical vacuum in Adv_virgo interferometer
On quantum optics:
- Realization of ponderomotive squeezing of light
On quantum vacuum and gravitation:
- Realization of a cryogenic balance for the detection of the Archimedes force of vaccum