Master degree (Laurea Magistrale)

On gravitational wave detection:

    1. Study and simulation of Adv-Virgo control in the broadband configuration
    2. Measurement of the drag-free satellite guiding system with torsion pendulum 
    3. Experimental study of a Squeezer for the injection of non classical vacuum in Adv_virgo

On quantum optics

    1. Study of ponderomotive squeezing of light

On quantum vaccum and gravitation

    1. Project of an experiment for the detection of the Archimedes force of vacuum


On gravitational wave detection:

    1. Study and simulation and commissioning of Adv-Virgo for the control in the broadband configuration
    2. Measurement of the drag-free satellite guiding system with torsion pendulum 
    3. Measurement of the thermal noise parameters and commissioning of the ADV-Virgo suspended payloads
    4. A Squeezer for the injection of non classical vacuum in Adv_virgo interferometer

On quantum optics:

    1. Realization of ponderomotive squeezing of light

On quantum vacuum and gravitation:

    1. Realization of a cryogenic balance for the detection of the Archimedes force of vaccum