export const GAME_TITLE = process.env.REACT_APP_GAME_NAME! export const WIN_MESSAGES = ['Great Job!', 'Awesome', 'Well done!'] export const GAME_COPIED_MESSAGE = 'Game copied to clipboard' export const NOT_ENOUGH_LETTERS_MESSAGE = 'Not enough letters' export const WORD_NOT_FOUND_MESSAGE = 'Word not found' export const HARD_MODE_ALERT_MESSAGE = 'Hard Mode can only be enabled at the start!' export const CORRECT_WORD_MESSAGE = (solution: string) => `The word was ${solution}` export const WRONG_SPOT_MESSAGE = (guess: string, position: number) => `Must use ${guess} in position ${position}` export const NOT_CONTAINED_MESSAGE = (letter: string) => `Guess must contain ${letter}` export const ENTER_TEXT = 'Enter' export const DELETE_TEXT = 'Delete' export const STATISTICS_TITLE = 'Statistics' export const GUESS_DISTRIBUTION_TEXT = 'Guess Distribution' export const NEW_WORD_TEXT = 'New word in' export const SHARE_TEXT = 'Share' export const TOTAL_TRIES_TEXT = 'Total tries' export const SUCCESS_RATE_TEXT = 'Success rate' export const CURRENT_STREAK_TEXT = 'Current streak' export const BEST_STREAK_TEXT = 'Best streak'