Short Curriculum Vitae

Maurizio Paolillo

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Present position:

  1. -Associate Professor at the Department of Physical Sciences of the University "Federico II" of Naples

  2. -Senior Scientist of the Italian Space Agency

  3. -Associated to the Italian National Institute for Astrophysics (INAF)

  4. -Associated to the Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN)

Address: Complesso Universitario di Monte S.Angelo, via Cintia. 80126, Napoli - Italy

Contacts:   Phone +39-081-676906  Fax +39-081-676346;  e-mail:

Other duties:

  1. -Director of the Naples unit of the University Network for Astronomy and Astrophysics (2006-2011)

  2. -Local P.I. of the Naples Unit for the Project "A high energy view of galaxies and groups the local Universe" approved and supported by the Italian Space Agency (2010)

  3. -In charge of the Naples Unit for the Project "Wide Field X-ray Telescope" approved and supported by the Italian Space Agency (2009)

  4. -Responsible of the "Astrophysical Seminars" at the Department of Physical Sciences of the University Federico II of Naples


  1. -Ph.D. in Physics at the Palermo University, D.S.F.A. and  Palermo Astronomical Observatory, in 2002. Dissertation: "X-ray emission from Early-Type galaxies in poor clusters and groups''. Supervisor: Prof.G.Peres

  2. -Degree in Physics (Astrophysics) summa cum laude in 1998 at the Naples University Federico II. Dissertation: "La Funzione di Luminosita' di ammassi di galassie a basso redshift'' (supervisors Prof. M.Capaccioli, Prof.  G.Longo and Dr. S. Andreon) prepared at the Osservatorio Astronomico di Capodimonte within the CRoNaRio project.

  3. -High School Diploma in 1991.

Professional expertise:

  1. -October 2002-August 2004: post-doc fellow at the Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, MD (USA), working on the X-ray/optical] study of astronomical sources detected deep multiband surveys with Prof. E. Schreier and Prof. R. Giacconi

  2. -November 2001-October 2002:  scientific contractor at the Capodimote Observatory within the project "Study of large databases: a new approach toward the automatic search and classification of normal, rare or peculiar objects. ".

  3. - February - March 2001: 2 months Fellowship at the High Energy Division of the Harvard-Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory - Cambridge (MA, USA) in , to study of the X-ray emission from Early-Type galaxies in Groups and clusters of galaxies.

  4. -October 1999-October 2000: 2 stages at the Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics (MA, USA), to work with Dr. G. Fabbiano and Dr. K. Dong-Woo of the High Energy Division, at the study of the X-ray Emission of Early-Type galaxies

  5. -Since 1998 member of the  CRoNaRio project at Capodimonte Observatory in Naples (Italy), for the reduction and analysis of the Digitized Palomar Second Sky Survey plates.  

Fields of interest:

  1. -X-ray emission and variability of Active galaxies

  2. -Deep multiband surveys: GOODS project

  3. -X-ray emission of Early-Type galaxies, groups and clusters

  4. -Galaxy clusters: luminosity function, morphological parameters and comparison with cosmological models

  5. -Automatic procedures for astronomical data reduction and data mining