MEETING NA12, 26 e 27 Ottobre 2006, Napoli, Dipartimento di Scienze Fisiche e Sezione INFN, aula -2Ma05


Giovedi 26 Ottobre 2006:


Ore 9.15: Saluti di benvenuto (Leonardo Merola e Giancarlo D'Ambrosio)

Ore 9.30:   Fernando de Felice: Time inversion and cosmic bursts

Ore 10:     Monica Capone e Angelo Tartaglia: A darkless space-time

Ore 10.30-11: Coffee break nel complesso universitario di M.S.A.

Ore 11:      Ester Piedipalumbo: Accelerating universe in non-minimally coupled theories of gravity     

Ore 11.30:  Mario La Camera: A note in braneworld cosmology

Ore 12:      Luca Lusanna: Lo York map ed il ruolo dei sistemi noninerziali in Relativita` Generale

Ore 12.30-14.15: Pausa pranzo

Ore 14.15:    Donato Bini: Connecting vectors and special congruences in the Kerr spacetime

Ore 14.45:    Lorenzo Fatibene: A geometric interpretation of the Barbero-Immirzi connection

Ore 15.15:    Giovanni Preti: Light cones and repulsive gravity

Ore 15.45-16.15: Coffee break nel complesso universitario di M.S.A.

Ore 16.15:    Vincenzo F. Cardone: Effective haloes and scaling laws for spiral galaxies in f(R) theories of gravity    

Ore 16.45:     Fabiana De Luca: Kerr Black Hole Gravitational Lensing in the Strong Deflection Limit

Ore 17.15:     Valerio Bozza: Primordial perturbations in bouncing cosmologies

Ore 17.45:     Luigi Rosa: Energy-momentum tensor for a Casimir apparatus in a weak gravitational field

Ore 18.15:     Sebastiano Calchi Novati: Microlensing and dark matter


Venerdi 27 Ottobre 2006:


Ore 9.30:      Matteo Luca Ruggiero: Solar System planetary orbital motions and f(R) Theories of Gravity      

Ore 10          Cosimo Stornaiolo: Deformazione di metriche spaziotemporali

Ore 10.30:    Giampiero Esposito: NA12 verso il 2007

Ore 10.50-11.20: Coffee break nel Complesso Universitario di M.S.A.

Ore 11.20:     Christian Corda: Scalar gravitational waves from scalar-tensor gravity: production and response of interferometers

Ore 11.50-12.15: Discussione collegiale


                                               ABSTRACTS (IN ALPHABETICAL ORDER)



Title: Connecting vectors and special congruences in the Kerr spacetime

Abstract: The definition of relative accelerations and strains among a set of  comoving particles is studied in connection with  the geometric
properties of the  frame adapted to a fiducial observer. We find
that a relativistically complete and correct definition of strains must take into account the transport law of the chosen spatial triad along the observer's
congruence. We use special congruences of (accelerated) test particles in some familiar spacetimes to elucidate such a point.
The celebrated idea of Szekeres's compass of inertia,  arising when studying geodesic deviation among a set of free-falling particles, is
here generalized to the case of accelerated particles and made observer-dependent.
This fact would be very useful when thinking about general relativistic tests on space stations orbiting compact objects like black
holes and also in other interesting gravitational situations.



Title: Primordial perturbations in bouncing cosmologies

Abstract: Bouncing cosmologies, suggested by String/M-theory, may provide an alternative to standard inflation to account for the origin of inhomogeneities in our universe. The fundamental question regards the correct way to evolve scalar perturbations through the bounce. In this talk, we present the evolution of perturbations and the final spectrum for an arbitrary (spatially flat) bouncing cosmology, with the only assumption that the bounce is governed by a single physical scale. In particular, we find the condition for the pre-bounce growing mode of the Bardeen potential (which is scale-invariant in the Ekpyrotic scenario) to survive unaltered in the post-bounce. If some new physics acting at the bounce satisfies such a condition, bouncing cosmologies are then entitled to become a real viable alternative to inflation for the generation of the observed inhomogeneities. References: hep-th/0502047, gr-qc/0506040, hep-th/0512066.



Title: Microlensing and dark matter

Abstract: Gravitational microlensing is a powerful tool for the study of halo dark matter in form of MACHOs.
I report the observational status and recent results towards the LMC and M31.
In particular I discuss the LMC halo MACHO fraction as compared to the Galactic one and the possible
detection of a MACHO signal towards M31.



Title: Effective haloes and scaling laws for spiral galaxies in f(R) theories of gravity

Abstract: Power-law fourth-order theories of gravity make it possible to fit spiral
galaxies rotation curves without the need for a dark matter component.
After reviewing the results on the fit to the LSB galaxies, we show how
phenomenological dark halo models avaliable in literature may be recovered
as effective representations of the modified gravitational potential
induced by f(R) theories. We then demonstrate that the empirical scaling
relations in spiral galaxies (such as the Tully--Fisher and baryonic
Tully--Fisher laws) come out as a natural consequence of the modified
potential without the need to resort to dark matter haloes.



Title: Scalar gravitational waves from scalar-tensor gravity: production and response of interferometers

Abstract: Scalar-tensor gravity admits the existence of scalar modes of gravitational waves (SGWs). The mechanism of production and the response of interferometers to these
scalar components of gravitational waves can be studied in three different gauges in the massless case: the transverse-traceless (TT) gauge, the so-called “Shibata, Nakao
and Nakamura” (SNN) gauge, and the local Lorenz gauge. The response of interferometers to massless SGWs is invariant in these different gauges. Our work generalizes
previous results which, in the study of the coupling between interferometers and massless SGWs, started from the assumption that the wavelength of the SGW is much larger than
the distance between the test masses. Furthermore, considering situations motivated by string-dilaton gravity, the effect of a small mass term on the response of the interferometer is taken into account. In this case (massive SGW), we have a longitudinal effect, the response of an arm of an interferometer, which is aligned in the wave propagation direction is computed. The value of the longitudinal response function for non-relativistic massive SGW at high frequencies is very high: this fact opens the doors to the interesting
possibility of detection of “massive” part of the signal, if advanced projects will achieve high sensitivities. Finally, by using previous results and the geometry of the system,
the generalized coupling between interferometers (like VIRGO or LIGO) and massless SGWs is studied. The total frequency response function to massless SGWs incoming
from arbitrary directions is studied.



Title: Time inversion and cosmic bursts

Abstract: The main feature of the cosmic burtst is the concomitance of two properties, i.e. the high energy and the short time interval. In the
Gamma Ray Bursts, for example, we can have up to 10^54 ergs  emitted in one second!
Any model of such cosmic sources must justify  these two properties. Here we explore the possibility that the time inversion induced by a
generic naked singularity solution explains these events. The main question then is whether naked singularities form at the end of the
gravitational collapse at least for a short but finite proper time.



Title: Kerr Black Hole Gravitational Lensing in the Strong Deflection Limit

Abstract: I will describe the caustics, critical curves and Kerr black hole shadow structure as derived from the lens equations solved by means of a perturbative
approach and assuming large deflections. I will focus on the degeneracy between the lens angular momentum and height of the
observer on the equatorial plane which cannot be disentangled, no matter which observable is measured. Neverthless, such degeneracy can be avoided if calculations
are pushed to higher orders in the lens angular momentum. I will then describe some possible applications of the results.



Title: A geometric interpretation of the Barbero-Immirzi connection

Abstract:  we shall provide a global spacetime formulation of  the Barbero-Immirzi connection.
Such a connection is important in LQG where it is introduced on a space
sheet after the ADM reduction. It was believed that such SU(2)-connection on the space sheet could not be obtained as a
restriction of a spacetime SU(2)-connection. We shall prove that this is not true by providing an explicit construction for a global
spacetime SU(2)-connection which restricts to the standard Barbero-Immirzi connection on space sheets.
The price to accomplish such task is to introduce a new global formulation of General Relativity
which is equivalent to the standard frame-affine formulation  (i.e. it produces equivalent field equations)
though with objects with different transformation laws. The new formulation will be closer to a spacetime formulation of GR
which replaces the symmetry group Spin(4) with the group SU(2)  already at spacetime
level (i.e. before projecting on a space sheet).



Title: A note in braneworld cosmology

Abstract: We consider brane cosmology when a 4D scalar curvature term is added to the 5D Einstein-Hilbert action. The induced brane dynamics are shown to be the usual Einstein dynamics coupled to a modified energy-momentum tensor which is well defined once the 5D Einstein equations in the bulk are solved. In order to obtain a bulk solution, which will consist of outgoing brane waves, we construct a time-dependent solution for the Randall-Sundrum model with nonvanishing spatial curvature by applying generalized boosts along the fifth dimension and patching together isometries broken by the brane. The brane equations so obtained describe a cosmological fluid obeying an equation of state with variable barotropic factor or, equivalently, an evolving scalar field with appropriate kinetic and potential energies. Finally, a class of time-dependent exact solutions is found that can describe the different periods of cosmological evolution from the inflationary epoch to the present accelerating universe.



Title: Lo York map ed il ruolo dei sistemi noninerziali in Relativita` Generale

Abstract: The Hamiltonian description of a family of globally hyperbolic asymptotically flat space-times in general relativity, extended to
tetrad gravity, allows to separate the genuine tidal 2+2  degrees of freedom of the gravitational field from the 8 (14  in tetrad
gravity) gauge variables describing inertial effects. To get deterministic Hamilton-Dirac-Einstein equations for the tidal
variables and for matter, we have to fix completely the gauge. This means to choose a global non-inertial frame, centered on a
time-like observer, with the associated radar 4-coordinates and relativistic inertial effects. In the York canonical basis the
shape of the simultaneity (and Cauchy) 3-surfaces, namely of the convention for the synchronization of clocks identifying the
instantaneous 3-space, is determined by the arbitrary trace of the extrinsic curvature. This relativistic inertial effect has no
Newtonian counterpart, since Newton 3-space is absolute. Every solution of Einstein equations in a completely fixed gauge
dynamically identifies a convention of clock synchronization, i.e. a notion of instantaneous 3-space, in terms of the tidal variables
and the matter. The functional freedom in fixing the trace of the extrinsic curvature can be used to eliminate dark matter as an
independent quantity by reducing it to a relativistic inertial effect: this freedom replaces the freedom in the modification of
Newton's second law in the MOND model in the absolute Newton 3-space.



Title: Accelerating universe in non-minimally coupled theories of gravity

Abstract: We consider scalar tensor theories of gravity in an accelerating universe, studying a
family of power law solutions, for which exact solutions of the Einstein equations are known. We also compare theoretical
predictions of our models with observations. We concentrate on the following data: the publicly available data on type Ia
supernovae, the parameters of large scale structure determined by the 2-degree Field Galaxy Redshift Survey (2dFGRS), and the
the measurements of cosmological distance with the Sunyaev-Zel'dovich effect. It turns out that these models
have a very interesting feature of producing in a natural way an epoch of accelerated expansion.



Title: Light cones and repulsive gravity

Abstract: The black hole and naked singularity solutions of Einstein equations corresponding to Schwarzschild, Reissner-Nordstrom, Kerr and Kerr-Newman
spacetimes are considered, and the imprints that the repulsive gravity regions of these spacetimes leave on the behaviour of light cones are analysed.



Title: Energy-momentum tensor for a Casimir apparatus in a weak gravitational field

Abstract: We study the influence of the gravity acceleration on the regularized energy-momentum
tensor of the quantized electromagnetic field between two plane parallel conducting
plates. We work in the weak-field approximation assuming that the gravity acceleration is
constant. A perturbative expansion, to first order in this parameter, of the Green
functions involved and of the energy-momentum tensor, is derived by means of the covariant
geodesic point splitting procedure. A more systematic derivation is therefore obtained of the
theoretical prediction according to which the Casimir device in a weak gravitational
field will experience a tiny repulsive force.



Titlle: Solar System planetary orbital motions and f(R) Theories of Gravity

Abstract: We  study the effects of f(R)  Theories of Gravity on Solar System gravitational tests. In particular, starting
from an exact solution of the field equations in vacuum, in the Palatini formalism, we work out the effects that
the modification  to the Newtonian potential  would induce on the Keplerian orbital elements of the Solar System
planets, and compare them with the latest results in planetary orbit determination from the EPM2004
ephemerides. It turns out that the longitudes of perihelia and the mean longitudes are affected by secular
precessions. We obtain the resulting best estimate of the parameter k which measures the non linearity of the
gravitational theory. We use our results to constrain  the cosmological constant and show how f(R) functions can be
constrained, in principle.



Title: Deformazione di metriche spaziotemporali

Abstract: Introduco la possibilita` di ottenere nuove metriche a partire dalla deformazione di una metrica esatta. Tali deformazioni sono ottenute
attraverso trasformazioni non olonome di campi di tetrade e sono definite tramite una matrice di funzioni scalari. In tal modo si ottiene un modo
naturale e covariante per definire le perturbazioni di qualsiasi spaziotempo, le simmetrie approssimate. Verranno discusse anche le altre
possibili applicazioni di questo approccio.



Title: A darkless space time

Abstract: In cosmology it has become usual to introduce new entities as dark matter and dark energy in order to explain otherwise unexplained observational
facts. Here, a different approach is described treating space time as a continuum endowed with properties similar to the ones of ordinary material
continua, such as internal viscosity and strain distributions originated by defects in the texture. A Lagrangian modelled on the one valid for simple
dissipative phenomena in fluids is built and used for empty space time. The internal "viscosity" is shown to correspond to a four-vector field. Using
the known symmetry of the universe, assuming the vector field to be divergence-less and solving the Euler-Lagrange equation we obtain directly
inflation and a phase of accelerated expansion of space time. The vector field is shown to be connected with the displacement vector field induced
by a point defect in a four-dimensional continuum. The only parameter in the theory is the "strength" of the defect. It is possible to fix it in
such a way to quantitatively reproduce the acceleration of the universe. With the unique value of the parameter that reproduces the estimated age of
the universe we obtain the duration of the accelerated phase and show that ordinary matter with the known values for its present energy density still
give rise to the same behaviour as for empty spacetime.