The family heritage

Ettore Majorana was born on 5 August 1906 in Catania, Sicily (Italy), to Fabio Majorana and Dorina Corso. The fourth of five sons, he had a rich scientific, technological and political heritage: three of his uncles were chancellors of the University of Catania and members of the Italian parliament, while another, Quirino Majorana, was a renowned experimental physicist who was once president of the Italian Physical Society. Indeed, Ettore’s father was an engineer who founded the first telephone company in Sicily and who went on to become chief inspector of the Ministry of Communications.

Fabio Majorana was also responsible for the education of his son in the first years of his life, until the family moved to Rome in 1921. Ettore left school in 1923 at the age of 17 and joined the Faculty of Engineering at the University of Rome, where he excelled and counted Giovanni Gentile Jr and future Nobel laureate Emilio Segrè among his friends.

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