English literal translation

Dialectal original

Approximate meaning


``What do you laugh? Laugh to your sister!''

``Ma che te ridi? Ridi a tu' sorella!''

Hey guy, I am speaking seriously!!

Guido Altarelli (proposta come titolo da P.M.)

``Speak as your mother made you!''

``Parla comme t'ha fatto mammeta!''

Try to use a simpler language

Giuseppe Pirozzi (proposta come titolo)

D ``Said the bug to the nut: `Give me enough time, and I'll make a hole through you!' ''

``Dicette 'o pappice a 'a noce: `Damme tempo ca te pertuso!' ''

Give me enough time and I will do anything you ask me.

L.C. & S.S.

``The Cern is small, and the people murmur...''

``Il Cern è piccolo, e la gente mormora...''

Gossip fly fast!!


``And what a dick! what a cum!''

``E che cazzo! che sfaccimma!''


S.Mele & S.Sorrentino

``Stay in bell...''

``Sta' in campana...''

Be prepared

R. Santacesaria ?

``Said popishly popishly''

``Detto papale papale''

Said exactly as it is


``I can't see neither the sausage''

``Nun se vede manco 'o sasiccio.''

It is very difficult to see


``Stay beef''

``Stai manzo''

Cool down!


``Let speak one piece of shit each time.''

``Parlasse 'nu strunzo 'a vota.''

Please don’t speak all together

P.M. & F.M.S.

``They are dicks.''

``So' cazzi.''

Now is hard!

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``They are birds for dyabetics, i.e. bitter dicks!''

``So' uccelli per diabetici, ovvero cazzi amari!''

As above

S.B. & F.M.S.

``I am shitting myself under''

``Mi sto cacando sotto''

I scared, really!

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``Goodnight to the basket!''

``Buonanotte al secchio! (della monnezza...)''

If so, better we stop it here!


``Goodnight to the players...''

``Buonanotte ai suonatori...''

As above


``God knows, and the Holy Virgin sees''

``Dio 'o ssape, e 'a Madonna 'o vede''

Nobody knows


``It would be the Holy Virgin!''

``Fosse 'a Madonna!''

 This would be great!


``Let the Holy Virgin do!''

``Lassa fa' 'a Madonna!''



``Nice of brother''

``Bello d'o fräte''

 Hey, guy


``To the face of the dick!''

``Ä faccia d'o cazzo!''



``Two balls...''

``Du' palle...''

 What a boredom

??? (F.M.S.)

``If my grandfather had wheels, he would have been a wheelbarrow...''

``Si nonnemo teneva 'e rote, era 'na carriola...''

 You’re doing too many hypotheses.


``If my grandfather had three balls, he would have been a flipper...''

``Si nonnemo teneva tre palle, fusse stato 'nu flipper...''

 As above

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``If my grandmother had a dick, we would have called her grandpa''

``Si nonnema teneva 'o cazzo, 'a chiammavamo nonno...''

 As above

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``Let's go beautiful''

``Jämme bello''

 Let’s go, move on!


``Life is a plumcake''

``'A vita è na brioscia''

 I feel so fine…


``Let's go with tango!''

``Vai col tango!''

 And now, let’s start


``If you are dick...''

``Si sì cazzo...''

 If you really think to be able to do it (but I doubt)…


``Had I been dick...''

``Fussi stato cazzo...''

 Had I been able to do it…


``The way you turn it, the way you flip it, it's always the same...''

``Comm'o giri e comm'o vuoti, è sempe 'o stesso...''

 You can face the situation from many different points, but it doesn’t change…

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``That's another pair of sleeves.''

``È un altro paio di maniche''

 This is a completely different thing.


``Could the Holy Virgin take you with her and St. Joseph open you the door!''

``'A Madonna t'accompagni e S. Giuseppe t'arapa 'a porta!''

 May everything go smoothly

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``For twenty-nine and thirty''

``Pe' ventinove e trenta''

 Succeeded, just at the limit. (time, space, budget…)


``Without knowing reading and writing''

``Senza sape' nè legge' nè scrive'.''

 Doing something in the simplest way you can imagine.


`` We have done thirty, let's do thirty-one''

``Avimmmo fatto trenta, facimmo trentuno''

 We arrived so far, so we can go further.

L.C. & P.M.

``We have put the toy in the hands of the creature''

``Avimmo miso 'a pazziella 'nmano 'e creature''

 Said to people that tend to play or have fun with serious things (objects, tools, etc.)


``Go and make a turn''

``Vate a fa' 'nu giro''

 Go away for a while

N.D.A. & F.M.S. & V.C.

``Give yourself a move''

``Datte 'na mossa''

 Move on!


``Pig whore Eve!...''

``Porca puttana Eva!...''



``To your pleasure''

``A piacere tuo''

 Give me what you want (money, help, etc.)


``The imagination wobbles...''

``L'immaginazione vacilla...''

 I can’t even imagine such a situation…


``The more you help me to say''

``Quanto cchiù m'ajute a dicere''

 …, you know, …

S.S. & L.C.

``You have won the little gold mongol''

``Hai vinto il mongolino d'oro''

 You understood this stupid thing, finally!

L.C. & P.M.

``The potatoes!''

``'E patane!''



``The dog always bites the teared''

``'O cane mozzeca sempe a 'o stracciato''

 Bad luck is not blind, she chooses always the unlucky!!


``The paper music in the hands of the blind...''

``'A carta 'e musica in mano a 'e cecate...''

 Said when you realize to have given something to someone who doesn’t know how to use it

Vittorio Palmieri

``How many cocks are you looking for!''

``Quanti cazzi vai trovando!''

How many things do you want!!!


``I can't believe!!!''

``Non ci pozzo credere!!!''


Rolando (gentilmente fornita da P.M.)

``You can say that the fairie is over when the gypsies are all gone''

``Tanno se dice `fera fernuta' quanno 'e zingari se ne so' jute''

 It is finished when it is REALLY finished

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``Those who go hoeing without the hoe...''

``Chilli che vanno a zappa' senza 'a zappa

 You’re starting a job without having the proper tools…

F.M.S & S.B. (with special thanks to V.C.)

``Here no one is fool!''

``Ccà nisciuno è fesso!''

 I am not so stupid as you think!


``Even St. Anthony fell in love with a pig''

``Anche Sant'Antonio s'annamuraje d'o puorco''

 Never say never


``We were short of...''

``Stevemo scarsi...''

 We were just missing you (but we were better without you)

F.M.S. (dopo una chiacchierata con V.C.)

``Greetings to your sister''

``Salutame a soreta''



``Your mother's cunt!''

``'A fessa 'e mammeta!''


F.M.S. & F.G.

``The ones who want me good, after me come''

``Chi me vo' bene, appriesso me vene''

 Follow me

Giuseppe Pirozzi

``This one would eat also the spiders''

``Chisso se magnasse pure 'e ragni''

 He’s veeery hungry


``Hey, Tytos!''

``Ueh, Titò!''

 Hey, you

S.B. & F.M.S.

``In the mouth of your sister''

``'Nmocca a soreta''



``Who has the bread has not the teeth''

``Chi tene 'o pane non tene i dienti''

 Who gets something he didn’t troubled for

Gianni Rosa

``It looks honest to me!''

``Me pare onesto!''


F.M.S. & S.B.

``Harness the donkey where the master wants''

``Attacca 'o ciucco arò vò 'o padrone''

 Do what your master says.


``And now...yes! ''

``E mo' sí!''



`` I have some dicks dancing in my head. ''

``Tengo certi cazzi che mi abballano per la capa!''

 I have so many troubles to think about…


`` Oh soul! ''

`` Uanema!''



`` Did you want the bycicle? Now Cycle! ''

`` Hai voluto la bicicletta? E pedala!" ''

 pay the consequences of your choices


`` So much the kitten goes to the bacon that she leaves her little leg! ''

`` Tanto va la gatta al lardo che ci lascia lo zampino ''

 you dared too much...

S.S. /

“but did you want the coconut polished and good?”

('o cocco sometimes is translated as "the egg")

“Ma tu vuliv o’ cocco ammunnato e bbuono? ”

Said to people or groups of people who like to find things already organised and properly working.

Salvatore (Sasà) Stendardo

Water is few and the duck doesn’t float

Ll’acqua è poca e ‘a papera nun galleggia

There are no resources (economic, material…, whatever)


You hung the skin to the wrong nail

E' ttaccat a pelle o' chiuov' sbagliato

You wrongly evaluated the situation

L. Milano.

It takes the less a woman to find an excuse than a mouse to find a hole!

Ci mett’ men’ ‘na femmena a truvà ‘na scusa che nu suricio a truvà o’ pirtuso

Women are quite able in finding excuses

L. Coraggio

parsley in every soup


Petrusino ogne menesta

somebody who is always present, even when not required.

T. Di Girolamo