Physics Dep.t, University of Naples "Federico II" and INFN

Theoretical Physics & Statistical Mechanics


Enzo Mari's puzzle

Our group works on the Physics of Complex Systems and its applications to Molecular Biology, combining physics models, computer simulations, machine learning, high-throughput data analysis and the development of new technologies. We investigate the three-dimensional architecture of the mammalian genome and its links to gene transcription and epigenetic regulation in heath and disease. Our research ranges from understanding the underlying physical and molecular mechanisms, to applications to diagnostic and drug discovery for genetic diseases, such as congenital disorders and cancer. We have a background in the physics of phase transitions and off-equilibrium dynamics of granular media and glassy materials. Here is a selected list of our publications and research projects.

Mario Nicodemi


I am Full Professor of Theoretical Physics and Head of the INFN Theory group at the Physics Department of the University of Naples "Federico II". I coordinated the INFN national project (IS) on Biological Physics. For my work at the frontier between Physics and Biology, I was the recipient in 2016 of the Einstein BIH Fellowship by the Einstein Foundation and in 2022 of the Occhialini Medal and Prize of the UK Inst. of Physics (IoP) and Italian Physics Soc. (SIF). My scientific activities concern Statistical Mechanics of Complex Systems in Physics and applications to Molecular Biology.

Research Group

Research group 01/2016

Current members:
Alex Abraham, Simona Bianco, Andrea Chiariello, Mattia Conte, Florinda Di Pierno, Andrea Esposito, Andrea Fontana, Sougata Goha, Francesca Vercellone, Mario Nicodemi

Tommaso Matteuzzi, Federico Billeci, Francesco Musella, Luca Fiorillo, Ehsan Irani (at MDC), Renato Sciarretta, Alfonso Corrado, Carlo Annunziatella, Raffaele Campanile, Andrea Piccolo, Mariano Barbieri, Sergio Sarnataro, Giovanni Terzo, Giovanni Laudanno, Pasquale Franzese, Anna Longobardi, Anas Rana (at UoW with S. Mukherjee), Emanuela de Falco, Ciro di Lanno, Gaetano Pellegrino (at Uni.Na with A. Corazza), Jon Armond (at UoW with S. Mukherjee), Denis Grebenkov, Dan Barker (at UoW with S. Mukherjee), Melania Barile, Paolo Casale, Polly Downton (at UoW with G. Koentges), Antonio Scialdone, Valentino Bianco, Sam Brand (at UoW), Ilaria Cataudella, Deborah Pallotti



Openings are available for PhD and Post Doctoral positions in our group, for up to 3 years. Early interviews are in March and September.

The research topics concern the molecular mechanisms underlying the 3D organisation and regulation of the genome in eukaryotes, by combining polymer physics, computer simulations and experimental high-throughput data analysis. The ideal candidate should have a background in statistical mechanics or computer simulations, biological physics, bioinformatics. She/He will work within a collaboration including physicists, molecular biologists, and bioinformaticians across EU and USA. Additional information is available at the group research page or via email.

Informal enquiries and applications (including a cover letter, CV with publications and names of three potential referees, in a single pdf) should be sent by email.

Contact us

Prof. Mario Nicodemi,
Dipartimento di Fisica "E. Pancini",
Universita' di Napoli "Federico II",
Complesso Universitario di Monte S. Angelo,
Via Cintia, 80126 Napoli, ITALY

ROOM: 2Ma14

TEL: +39 081 676475

EMAIL: Mario.Nicodemi "-at-"